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HIe arrived in't'lis country In the year 1800, in company with an el er brother, J. Cuminritg, O. H. Townsend, Francis Loland, Patrick Dickey, Wnr. Bobsten , $10 cos s to plaintif n Mclntyrc against JIalscy.-Bond andl to stand.
Dickey, Brian (ed). Australian Dictionary of Evengelical Biography. Ltd., 70 Patrick Street, Cork. Walker, J. B. The Baptists in South Australia,
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10 Jan 2010 7 of 14 | Posted by: Patrick Dickey - Amelia Island , FL Her second child, daughter, Dubney "Dodie" S. Lowery was born June 5, 1955.
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The Grand Lodge of Kentucky was founded in 1800, to become the mother of Freemasonry in J.W., John S. Gano, Elias Wallen, Patrick Dickey, James Brady,
A vast portion of this Dickey Genealogy Report is the result of many years of (Maury) TN John Dickey (1730-1800) - (Stirling) Scotland / Warren ME John Dickey MD Patrick Dickey Peter Dickey (d1793) - (Franklin) PA Robert Dickey
- 1985 - HistoryFamily Court / Unorthodox families) When divorce was not an option [Marriage, divorce and the Law in Victoria in the 1800s]. bibl. GRIGG, Terry.
6 Sep 2009 Dickey - son of Patrick Dickey, Rev. War soldier. WALLACE, BEDFORD: 1800s through early 1990s, Screven & Effingham County
3 May 2003 Spellings of names were not standardized until the 1800's and -o- and The letter -S- is added to many names and elements to make them
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3.1 1890s; 3.2 1880s; 3.3 1870s; 3.4 1860s; 3.5 1850s; 3.6 1840s; 3.7 1830s; 3.8 1820s; 3.9 1810s; 3.10 1800s. 4 18th century
1868, On November 3, Civil War general Ulysses S. Grant (Republican) is 1873 · Bishop Patrick Healy serves as President of Georgetown University from
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