Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
Cemetery records of Midfield Cemetery in Swinford, County Mayo, Ireland. THOMAS KELLY. PATRICK KING Castleryan died March 1971
1951, Pat Kelly, County Tyrone; 1952, Bobby Casey, County Clare and Dan Cleary, Fermanagh/East London, England; 2009, Padraig King, County Limerick
KELLY ? William 19 x Laborer King's County Ireland KELLY ? Patrick 18 x Laborer King's County Ireland KEREVEN Michael 20 x Laborer Tipperary Ireland
Patrick Claffey, A Native of Bannagher, Kings Co., Ireland, died May 6, 1876, In memory of Patrick Kelly, …..of Killaher, …..Ireland (badly damaged)
O'Brien, Sir Patrick bart. M.A. (T.C.D.), M.P. for King's County (D.L. city of Dublin; called to the bar 1844; Clara, Messrs. White and Co. Edenderry, Patrick Kelly. Church of Ireland Chaplain, Rev. Edmund L. Eves, M.A.
1 Nov 2003 Lived Tippah Co MS. 13 children. John Oliver Kelly my greatgrandfather Katterman, Ketterman, Keever, Kelly, King, Kirkendall, Knowles, 1823 in County Galway in Ireland. Patrick was born ca 1825 or 1826. I don't know the names of the parents of Patrick KELLY and Mary Diana (FLYNN) KELLY.
17 Feb - James Carrol bron King's County, Ireland to ?ander & Mary Carrol m 13 Nov - Patrick Kelly born Co. Clare, Ireland to Patrick & Hanora Kelly m
Laois or Queen's County Ireland Genealogy Pat Kelly Peter Kelly Thomas Kelly Maurice Kelly Patrick Kelly John Kelly Bridget Kelly Michael Kelly Bernard King Mary King William Kinsella Margaret Kirwan Mary Kirwan Mary Kirwan
24 May 2010 Mary Pat Kelly's return to Ireland: Mary Pat Kelly writes about the The kings of Ireland were not inaugurated in Christian churches as were other He told us of a remarkable incident in County Clare where the DNA
Genealogy Data Page 2062 (Family Pages) Patrick KELLY b. abt 1801 Kings County, Ireland d. 24 FEB 1890 Michelago, NSW, Spouse: Peggy KELLY Children:
Patrick, P.P. of Lusk, co. Dublin Kelly, Rev. Patrick, P.P. of Eyrecourt, co. Galway King, Rev. Thomas, P.P. of Aughrim, near Elphin, co. Roscommon
KELLY Patrick Kelly married Mary Carroll they had several children in Parsonstown Kings County Ireland Mary Kelly and Margaret Kelly migrated to Australia.
Re: Doorleys of Cloghan, King's Co., Ireland Start earliest: Patrick Kelly married to Mary nee Flanagan from County Monaghan(searching for town) brought
5 Sep 2004 KELLY. Patrick Kelly was born in county Wicklow, Ireland, 1827, son of Patrick (1) Kennehan, was born in Kings county Ireland, in 1812,
Kings County Ireland Cesspayers in 1889 Free Genealogy Records pic Kevany, Patrick Killeavy, Michael Kelly, Patrick Kemmy, Michael Keegan, William
Laois or Queen's County Ireland Genealogy Pat Kelly Peter Kelly Thomas Kelly Maurice Kelly Patrick Kelly John Kelly Bridget Kelly Michael Kelly Bernard King Mary King William Kinsella Margaret Kirwan Mary Kirwan Mary Kirwan
13 Aug 2010 NI Simmental Cattle Breeders' Club chairman, Pat Kelly said:”It's Zara Stubbs from Irvinestown, County Fermanagh, received the Young

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