Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
15 May 2009 The social chronicler David Patrick Columbia — whose Web site New York Social Diary has coaxed more Upper East Side ladies onto the Internet
“If you don't know Patrick McMullan,” Andy Warhol once said, “You ought to get out more.” Page 14 of 19
David Patrick Columbia is the founder and editor of New York Social Diary, a website that chronicles the lives of the Big Apple's elite.
New York Social Diary by David Patrick Columbia An interview with Barbara Goldsmith about her extraordinary accomplishments left me gasping.
17 Jan 2007 New York City Ballet's Annual Luncheon. Making her return to New 2009 David Patrick Columbia & Jeffrey Hirsch/
Patrick McMullan. The photographic chronicler of the age of New York that extends from the Andy Warhol days of Interview Magazine (where his party pictures
19 Feb 2011 Society news and party pictures of the rich and powerful.
1 Aug 2006 Socialite captioneer and social mandarin David Patrick Columbia is most well known for running the good ship New York Social Diary.
8 Sep 2008 Lynn Yaeger and Patrick McDonald 2009 David Patrick Columbia & Jeffrey Hirsch/
13 Aug 2005 The evanescence of good times in (sometimes) good society will be recorded, of course, in the New York Social Diary.
Welcome to a Facebook Page about New York Social Diary. New York Social Diary David Patrick Columbia NYSD HOUSE interview with ceramicist Clare Potter.
NYSD Guest Diary: Ellen Graham's eye on the world: George & Alana Hamilton David Patrick Columbia's New York Social Diary April 18, 2008
2 Feb 2006 And a very happy birthday to New York's Best Friend, as well as devoted 2006 David Patrick Columbia & Jeffrey Hirsch/
28 Mar 2007 Silver Anniversary. NY's Derek Ostergard lectures. Bonhams & Butterfield's Patrick Meade and wife
Dana (pronounced Danna) Hammond and Patrick Stubgen are popular active members of the New York/Southampton social scene. The couple who married last year
14 Sep 2010 David Patrick Columbia, the author of the Web site New York Social Diary, was sitting where he often sits, at the front table at Swifty's on
9 Dec 2008 “Among my new boyfriends are a formerly powerful hedge fund manager 2009 David Patrick Columbia & Jeffrey Hirsch/
It also never occurred to me that Patrick had a publicist, although it makes sense – this is New York and he is a man who is seriously out and about.

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