2011 Saint Patrick's Day Parades in NEW JERSEY NORTH. Hoboken St. Patrick's Day This Saturday - Philly2Hoboken.com


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

The City of Hoboken is excited to welcome visitors to this year's 24th annual St . Patrick's Day parade on Saturday, March 6th, 2010.

Events, Hoboken St Patrick's Day Parade Description - St Patricks Day Parade. The parade is always held on the first Saturday of March, kicking off at 1

1 Mar 2010 Who's ready for the craziness this Saturday in Hoboken? Share your plans and thoughts of the big day here....

6 Mar 2010 Today, Hoboken is celebrating St. Patrick's Day early as usual with a parade and other festivities. But after previous years' antics —sex,

4 Mar 2009 The following songs must be banned from St. Patrick's Day: House of Pain, "Jump Around"; Black 47, "Funky Ceili". I'm sure there are more.

2 Mar 2008 3/2/2008: Instead of snapping photos yesterday, I chose to get involved with a different project. However, that doesn't mean you can't see

6 Mar 2009 This Saturday is the 2009 Hoboken Saint Patrick's Day Parade, the precursor to the March 17th celebration in NYC. Some take this holiday

4 Mar 2010 The 2010 Hoboken St. Patrick's Day Parade takes place Saturday, March 6th. Here is some information you need to know if you're planning on

On Saturday, March 5, 2011, the City of Hoboken will be hosting the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade. The parade is very popular and draws tens of thousands

Hoboken Saint Patrick's Day Parade 2011. Saturday, March 5th, 2011 at 1:00 pm. Jersey City Saint Patrick's Day Parade 2011. Sunday, March 13th, 2011 12:30

2 Mar 2008 3/2/2008: Instead of snapping photos yesterday, I chose to get involved with a different project. However, that doesn't mean you can't see

10 Feb 2009 Spectators flock from all over the tri-state area to partake in the Hoboken parade festivities. This year, March 7, 2009, will mark the 23rd

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