Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
2 Jan 2008 *Update: Patrick Ruffini sent an update on his coverage of the Iowa caucusing: Statistics Predict Poll Results? teasered @ TechTalkBlog
BOOM. RT @tpmpolls: NY-House 22: Hinchey (D) 43.2% Phillips (R) 43.2% (Oct. 19 - Magellan Strategies (R))
27 Sep 2005 Patrick Ruffini has his new straw poll up. It makes for some interesting results when it's all over. Share on Facebook. Related posts:
31 Mar 2009 10 Responses to “#FDC Overtime Poll: @patrickruffini vs. @matthewgagnon”. larry. 31. Mar, 2009. what is this?…who is Matthew Ganon?..and who
21 Jan 2008 Patrick Ruffini has a poll up asking the Fredheads which candidate will we support if Fred drops out of the race and since he didn't list
Patrick Ruffini's Straw Poll for GOP presidential candidates is showing some interesting results. Rudy Guliani is leading the pack.
5 Mar 2008 Patrick Ruffini by Bluey.jpg Patrick Ruffini is the epitome of the He had momentum and you saw rising poll numbers, but at a much So I'm interested to see what comes of Obama's spending and what the results are.
23 Aug 2005 Patrick Ruffini :: August Straw Poll: The Big One. A straw poll on 2008 Presidential Candidates…since we are not serious about reforming our
22 Aug 2005 Patrick Ruffini is running another 2008 Republican presidential straw poll, and he's aiming to be quite thorough.
Patrick Ruffini's BIG ONE. On 08.22.05, In , By Mark Harris. Vote for a conservative in Patrick Ruffini's poll of conservative online activists. 4 Comments
28 Apr 2005 Patrick Ruffini ran an online poll to see how Rudy Giuliani Here are the full results. And here's how readers voted.
Email Patrick Ruffini | All Posts By Blogger · Ames results are as follows: Sam Brownback recruit supporters for the Ames straw poll.
23 Aug 2005 I know Patrick Ruffini knows a thing or two about stats, so I had to check it out. to be 95% or 99% confident in the significance of the results. For the record, I participated in the straw poll and selected Mass
26 Aug 2005 Patrick Ruffini August Straw Poll Results. Huckabee team, I am pleased to announce YOU DID IT! After not even being in Ruffini's first 2008
3 Oct 2005 Patrick Ruffini's detailed analysis can be found here. Ruffini allows you to sort poll results by referring blog, ranking the top 20
3 Mar 2007 CPAC Straw Poll: The Results. Posted by: Patrick Ruffini at 4:43 PM. Romney wins narrowly while Rudy Giuliani (a client) finishes a strong

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