Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
October 26, 1861 - The CSS Sumter was sailing in the Atlantic Ocean when it spotted the Union They engaged the Patrick Henry in a 2-hour naval battle.
6 Feb 2011 CSS Patrick Henry overview and CSS Patrick Henry descriptions with footnotes images commentary info, images, discussion.
22 Jul 2008 Looking down on the deck of the CSS Patrick Henry picture published by thegreggs531.
Secretary Mallory to Henry X. Wright aboard the CSS Patrick Henry. Appointment as 2 boilers and machinery of the CSS Patrick Henry. For service on the
3 Dec 2009 I must confess to start, that the client knew that Joseph W. Pugh had served as a temporary pilot on the CSS Patrick Henry beginning in
The Patrick Henry was a merchant steamer, siezed by the Confederates and pressed into service as a gunboat. She supported CSS Virginia ("The Merrimack") in
When was CSS Patrick Henry, built in New York City in 1853 by the renowned William H. Webb for the Old Dominion Steam Ship Line as the civilian steamer
CSS Patrick Henry, a 1300-ton side-wheel gunboat, was built in New York City in 1853 as the civilian steamer Yorktown. In mid-April 1861, she was seized by
24 Nov 2008 Patrick Henry College, a private Christian college in Purcellville, Virginia * CSS Patrick Henry, Confederate ship during the American Civil
6 Feb 2011 CSS Patrick Henry overview and CSS Patrick Henry descriptions with footnotes images commentary info, images, discussion.
16 Nov 2004 CSS Patrick Henry. Displacement: 1300 tons. Dimensions: 250ft x 34ft x 13ft. Armament: Varied. In March 1861 had ten guns- in July 1861 had
See the index entry for the CSS Patrick Henry in Volume 7, Series 1 of the C.S.S. Patrick Henry (from Scharf's History of the Confederate States Navy)
C.S.S. PATRICK HENRY, CONFEDERATE NAVAL SCHOOL SHIP On the James River below Richmond, 1864 30x20 Phantom. transparent background. 3 prims, ...
Collections >> First-Person Narratives >> Document Menu >> 204 - C.S.S. PATRICK HENRY, CONFEDERATE NAVAL SCHOOL SHIP On the James River below Richmond, 1864

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