Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
20 Mar 2010 This is the rescheduled date due to rain last weekend. Sure to be a great time. Bring a chair and set up camp on the grass on either side of
The Trenton Parade. In November of 1985 four local tavern owners, went ahead and the first Trenton St. Patrick's Day Parade was held in March of 1986.
TRENTON - Irish eyes smiled again yesterday when Mayor Tony Mack announced that the City of Trenton will host its own St. Patrick's Day Parade in March.
Trenton St. Patricks Day Parade. Date: 3/21/2010 Album ID: 966225. Slideshow icon View Slideshow. 3/20/10 Miss St. Patrick 2010 Brittany Marie Patten waves
Trenton St. Patrick's Day Parade - Saturday, March13th, 2010 Union County St. Patrick's Day Parade - Saturday, March 13th, 2010 at 1:00 pm
In November of 1985, a small group of people banded together to organize a St. Patrick's Day Parade. Trenton had not had a parade in honor of the Patron
19 Nov 2010 16 Sep 2010 TRENTON — The city has lost its 25-year-old St . Patrick's Day Parade to Hamilton Township as a new generation of organizers won
TRENTON ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE Trenton's AOH Divison #1 is named after a courageous man who sacrificed his life to save others from a fire.

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